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AKCCHF Grant #02783: Transcriptional Profiling of Canine Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Principal Investigator: Andrew Miller, DVM
Institution: Cornell University
Update - Year 1 Progress Report
Update - Mid Year 2 Progress Report 2021
Update - End Year 2 Progress Report Feb 2022
Project Description: Soft tissue sarcomas account for 10-15% of all skin and subcutaneous cancers in dogs. Traditionally, biopsy and subsequent histology have been the primary means of diagnosing these cancers. The histology is assigned to one of three grades ranging from low (grade I), intermediate (grade II), and high (grade III). Histologic grade is currently the key criterion for guiding treatment and determining patient outcome. However, in human medicine and pathology, soft tissue sarcomas are diagnosed with a hybrid approach that involves both histologic features and genetic analysis of the tumor sample. This genetic analysis guides further treatment, aids in developing accurate follow-up information, and has been shown to have a positive effect on patient outcome and survival. Despite how common soft tissue sarcomas are in the dog, current veterinary care still relies solely on the histologic grade, which is subjective at best, and does not incorporate genetic data into the diagnostic plan. This study will perform transcriptome analysis on 300 canine soft tissue sarcomas in order to establish the transcriptome profile of canine soft tissue sarcoma and correlate this transcriptome to patient follow-up. This will allow for the formation of a hybrid diagnostic approach that will provide more accurate information to inform the prognosis for dogs afflicted with soft tissue sarcoma.