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AKCCHF Grant #02128-A (Closed)

Jason Stull, VMD, PhD, Ohio State University, Principal Investigator

Update: Final Report 10/31/2016

Update: Research Progress Report Summary Mid-Year 2, 2/28/2016

Abstract from website:

Collaborative Project with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals The AKC Canine Health Foundation and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals have a long standing commitment to supporting research that aims to prevent, treat, and cure canine disease. As the sport of dogs increases in popularity, we realized that one major gap in our current body of knowledge is how to reduce the risk of infectious disease spread at the intersection of the dog and the environment. Put another way, now that more and more large groups of dogs congregate at dog shows, agility events, field trials, animal shelters and dog parks, where are the risks and how should we manage them? To that end, Dr. Jason Stull and colleagues at the Ohio State University and Ontario Veterinary College will conduct a retrospective analysis of the veterinary infectious disease literature in order to provide updated recommendations for mitigation of risk of contraction of infectious disease at events where dogs congregate. Led by Dr. Stull, this influential collaborative group of veterinary epidemiologists, infectious disease experts, immunologists, and internal medicine specialists will evaluate peer reviewed studies defining the incidence, clinical presentations, and outcomes of diseases; mechanism of infection, replication, spread and/or pathogenesis of diseases, computer modeling of disease transmission, characterization of susceptible cohorts for particular pathogens, and emerging concerns for novel pathogens to assess risk and develop management strategies. They will also include major stakeholders within the dog community in the process, guaranteeing that recommendations made at the outcome of this study will be practical and possible to accomplish in the real world. The end result will be a peer-reviewed publication defining an up-to-date risk assessment and management recommendations, and most importantly, a white paper that can be used by dog owners and organizers of canine events and facilities. Finally, the researchers hope to create an open-access website that will be an interactive, living document, helping all those involved with dogs reduce the risk and spread of infectious disease where dogs meet and compete.

Research Team:

Jason W. Stull, VMD, MPVM, PhD, DACVPM (Public Health, Epidemiology), Principal Investigator Armando Hoet, DVM, PhD, DACVPM (Public Health, Epidemiology) Jeanette O'Quin, DVM, MPH (Public Health, Epidemiology) Mary Jo Burkhard, DVM, PhD, DACVP (Immunology/Infectious Disease, Clinical Pathology) Michelle Evason, DVM, DACVIM (Internal Medicine) J. Scott Weese, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM (Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine) 02128-A