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Thank you to Helen Newman for putting together this article for SCARF.
Retinal dysplasia: The term dysplasia means a defective development of an organ or structure. Merck, CERF and the Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology explain it as follows: "it is a nonprogressive, abnormal development of the retina that is present at birth. It occurs when the 2 primitive layers of the retina do not form together properly. The disorder can be inherited or it can be caused by a prenatal infection (e.g. herpes virus or parvovirus)".
There are 3 types:
Oculoskeletal Dysplasia (RD/OSD2): In this inherited disease there are both eye and bone defects. In addition to the retinal folds and other malformations of the retina, the legs are shorter and there may be other skeletal malformations. It may also be described as dwarfism. The disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive with a heterozygous effect, meaning that dogs with one copy of the gene may still have retinal defects.
There are no outward symptoms of the eye but signs that the puppy/dog is having difficulty seeing would include frequently bumping into objects, less activity, and possibly timid or fearful. An eye examination by an ophthalmologist should be performed.
The skeletal malformations in RD/OSD2 may be recognized by observation.
The cause of retinal dysplasia in most dogs is genetic in origin and a congenital disease. Other causes include viral infections, vitamin A deficiency, x-ray radiation, certain drugs, and intrauterine trauma. Simple autosomal recessive inheritance has been suspected in Akitas, American Cocker Spaniels, Australian Shepherds, Bedlington Terriers, Beagles, Dobermans, English Springer Spaniels, Labradors, Rottweilers, Old English Sheepdogs, Sealyham Terriers, and Yorkshire Terriers. In many breeds ophthalmologists and researchers have not determined exactly how retinal dysplasia is passed.
In the Labrador and Samoyed the autosomal recessive inheritance of a combination of retinal dysplasia and skeletal defects (dwarfism) has been described (RD/OSD1 - Labrador; RD/OSD2 - Samoyed).
Retinal dysplasia can be detected as early as 6-8 weeks during a CERF examination. However, because the size of the eye is small and young puppies are often wiggling during examination, a re-examination is recommended 6 months later in order for the ophthalmologist to better see the back of the eye is recommended.
7/25/2008 - Wisdom Health (formerly Optigen) has a DNA test available for the gene mutation that causes inherited Retinal Dysplasia/OculoSkeletal Dysplasia (RD/OSD2, ie.,dwarfism) in the Samoyed. For more information:
Genetic Testing Available for Disorders in Samoyeds
Note: Treatment of animals should only be performed by a licensed veterinarian. Veterinarians should consult the current literature and current pharmacological formularies before initiating any treatment protocol.
Aroch,I, Ofri R. and Alzenberg, I., Haematological, ocular and skeletal
abnormalities in a Samoyed family. The Journal of Small Animal
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American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologist 1999
Howell,D.M. Stankovics, M.E., Sarna C.S. and Aguirre G.D. The
geographic form of retinal dysplasia in dogs is not always a congenital
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MacMillian A.D. and Lipton D.E., Heritability of Multifocal Retinal Dysplasia in American Cocker Spaniels, JAVMA 1978: vol. 172:5 p. 568-572
Meyers V.N., Jezyk P.F., Aguirre G.D. and Paterson D.F., Short-limbed
dwarfism and ocular defects in the Samoyed dog, JAVMA, vol. 183:9, p.
975-979, Nov. 1, 1983. link to
Willis, Malcolm B. "Genetics of the Dog"
Howell Book House 1989.
Gionfriddo, Julie (AVCO diplomate), Retinal
Dyspalsia and Retinal
Stroyan, Keith D., Dwarfism and Eye disorders
in Labrador Retrievers, Important Scientific